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Spinal surgery 2: Stabilisation techniques

November 10 -
November 12, 2025

About this course

Introductory words

The Spinal Surgery 2 Masterclass is an advanced, hands-on course designed to equip veterinary surgeons with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform various spinal stabilization procedures for trauma and instability in small animals.

This intensive 3-day program includes both theoretical lectures and practical exercises on canine cadavers. Participants will explore spinal stabilization at all spinal levels using techniques such as locking plates, pedicle screw-rod fixation, and pins and/or screws with PMMA. Preoperative planning and postoperative assessment will be covered through diagnostic imaging, alongside discussions on procedural complications and postoperative management.


Target audience

This course is tailored for veterinary surgeons with prior experience in neurosurgery, particularly those proficient in neurological examinations and decompressive surgeries. Residents training under ECVN, ECVS, and ACVSprograms are highly encouraged to join.

Aims/learning outcomes

By the end of this masterclass, participants will be able to:

  • Developtreatment plans for spinal conditions requiring stabilization.
  • Utilizediagnostic imaging for preoperative planning and postoperative assessment.
  • Understand thebiomechanical principles of spinal stabilization in small animals.
  • Select and applyappropriate implants and instrumentation for various spinal procedures.
  • Perform differentstabilization techniques based on spinal location and construct type.
  • Identifyintraoperative and postoperative complications and implement effective solutions.

Establish a postoperative management plan for spinal stabilization patients.


The masterclass will feature 1 day of interactive lectures and discussions, and 2 days of hands-on wet labs, where participants will perform a range of stabilization techniques. Provisional program details are attached.



Vetklinikum, Laxenburgerstrasse 252a, 1230 Vienna, Austria

Recommended Accommodation:
🏨 NOVOTEL Wien Hauptbahnhof**
📍 Canettistrasse 6, A-1100 Vienna, Austria

For scientific inquiries, please contact: Office@veteducation.vet


💶 3,750 € (includes lectures, wet labs with various implants, coffee- and lunch breaks, and the social dinner; the hotel accommodation not included).


We are grateful for the generous support of Storz GmbH, Braun-Aesculap and Rita Leibinger.

Past courses that will likely be repeated

Past course

Interventional Endoscopy of the Gastrointestinal Tract


Past course

- France

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Past course

- Online (Webinar)

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Principles of Surgical Oncology
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Past course

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February 26, 2023
- Poland

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- Portugal

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July 20, 2023
- Romania

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- Poland

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- Romania

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- Poland

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