Available now

Advanced Small Animal Laparoscopy – Programme 2

May 20 -
May 22, 2025

About this course

Introductory words from the course director

Following the success of Advanced Laparoscopy Program 1 in May 2024, you are invited to explore new topics with Advanced Laparoscopy Program 2. These programs are independent of each other and can be completed in any order.
Day 1 includes didactic sessions and hands-on practice using dry-lab and ex vivo models. On Day 2, the morning session focuses on advanced techniques and case discussions, while the afternoon is dedicated to practical training on canine cadavers. The entire third day is spent working with anesthetized pigs, allowing you to practice in real surgical conditions.
Our team of world-renowned experts will provide personalized guidance and insights, equipping you with the skills to incorporate these minimally invasive procedures into your practice for the benefit of your patients.

Univ. -Prof. Dr. Dr.hc. Gilles Dupré, Dipl. ECVS


Target audience

This course is designed for individuals who possess prior experience in the field of small animal laparoscopy. Participants work by pair with a maximum of 10 tables and 4 instructors.

Aims/learning outcomes


This masterclass will elevate your proficiency in minimally invasive surgery to the highest level. Together with Advanced Laparoscopy Programme 1, it covers the full range of current minimally invasive techniques for small animals.

Learning outcomes:

By the end of this masterclass, you will be able to:

  • Safely perform left and right adrenalectomies.
  • Understand and utilize ICG and NIRF technology.
  • Identify and dissect sub-lumbar and pelvic lymph nodes in different recumbent positions.
  • Select appropriate cases for minimally invasive liver lobectomies and extra-hepatic shunt banding.
  • Practice liver lobectomies, laparoscopic-assisted nephrectomies, and splenectomies.
  • Explore additional techniques involving the pancreas, prostate, and ductus deferens.




Exact location: The masterclass will be hosted at Surgical training Institute in Bucharest

Surgical Training Institute, powered by Ponderas Academic Hospital
85A Nicolae Caramfil street, Bucharest, 014142

Local organization: This masterclass is supported locally by Dr. Constantin Ifteme and team

Registrations and hotels are organized by the solarevent agency:   www.solarevents.ro


This masterclass accommodate a very limited number of participants; registrations will be honored on a first-come first-served basis.
Training fees include 3 days of training with at least 50% hands-on, coffee and lunch breaks and social dinner.
Fees: 3550 € (early birds), 3900 € after March 15th, no registration after May 1st
Residents 2650 € (by groups of 3)


For this Masterclass, we are happily supported by Storz gmbhSterilux, Medtronic

Past courses that will likely be repeated

Past course

- Online (Webinar)

Online module : Surgical oncology Webinars (On-demand)

Essentials of pathology for the surgical oncologist
Interventional oncology
Medical oncology and the surgeon
Principles of Surgical Oncology
Radiation oncology and the surgeon
Staging and lymphadenectomies
Using imaging for surgical planning

Past course

Interventional Endoscopy of the Gastrointestinal Tract


Past course

- France

Updates on advanced feline internal medicine


Past course

February 24 -
February 26, 2023
- Poland

Masterclass advanced Head and Neck surgery

Advanced ear surgery with endoscopic support
Facial reconstruction
Oral tumors and more

Past course

June 16 -
June 18, 2023
- Portugal

Masterclass Autoimmune and Immune-mediated skin diseases

Autoimmune and immune mediated skin diseases’ pathology and treatments

Past course

July 17 -
July 20, 2023
- Romania

Masterclass advanced small Animal Laparoscopy

Advanced laparoscopic surgery in dogs with training on models, anatomic pieces
Dog’s cadavers and anesthetized pigs

Past course

August 29 -
August 31, 2023
- Poland

Masterclass Advanced Neurosurgery 1

Approaches to the brain
Surgical environment pertaining to intra-cranial surgery

Past course

November 14 -
November 17, 2023
- Romania

Masterclass Small Animal Laparoscopy (Newcomers and refresher’s level)

Entering the world of laparoscopy for experienced surgeons

Past course

February 23 -
February 25, 2024
- Poland

Advanced ENT and maxillofacial surgery

Advanced ear surgery with endoscopic support
Facial reconstruction
Oral tumors and more

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Dear colleague,

Thank you for your interest in our masterclass.

For the time being, registrations can only be done by filling up the registration form and mailing it back to our office:

You will receive an invoice from our accounting department and you will be asked to make your payment by bank transfer.

Online payment will be available in the near future; thanks for your understanding.

You can pre-register for any of these masterclasses by completing the following formular:

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