Past course

Online module : Surgical oncology Webinars (On-demand)

Online (Webinar)
Essentials of pathology for the surgical oncologist
Interventional oncology
Medical oncology and the surgeon
Principles of Surgical Oncology
Radiation oncology and the surgeon
Staging and lymphadenectomies
Using imaging for surgical planning

390,00  VAT excl.

About this course

Introductory words from the course director

Surgical oncology is a field of veterinary medicine which progressed greatly over the past 10 years. Although thinking oncology is the most important step towards being successful, being trained technically by experienced surgeons is extremely important. I am bringing to you the most renowned oncologic surgeons you can expect under the lead of Dr. Laurent Findji, dipl. ECVS, working exclusively as a surgical oncologist.

Gilles Dupré


Craig Clifford, Bill Culp, Laurent Findji, Julius Liptak, Tim Scase and Kim Selting

Target audience

These recorded webinars will not only profit to specialists and experienced surgeons but to anyone looking for updated knowledge in surgical oncology.

Aims/learning outcomes

The webinars are recorded by the best world-wide specialists in their specific domains. They are making their cutting-edge knowledge available to everyone. These webinars will give you the best possible background to take advantages of the upcoming onsite modules.


See detailed program


Online (Webinar)


390 € Excl. VAT

Past courses that will likely be repeated

Past course

- Online (Webinar)

Online module : Surgical oncology Webinars (On-demand)

Essentials of pathology for the surgical oncologist
Interventional oncology
Medical oncology and the surgeon
Principles of Surgical Oncology
Radiation oncology and the surgeon
Staging and lymphadenectomies
Using imaging for surgical planning

Past course

Interventional Endoscopy of the Gastrointestinal Tract


Past course

- France

Updates on advanced feline internal medicine


Past course

February 24 -
February 26, 2023
- Poland

Masterclass advanced Head and Neck surgery

Advanced ear surgery with endoscopic support
Facial reconstruction
Oral tumors and more

Past course

June 16 -
June 18, 2023
- Portugal

Masterclass Autoimmune and Immune-mediated skin diseases

Autoimmune and immune mediated skin diseases’ pathology and treatments

Past course

July 17 -
July 20, 2023
- Romania

Masterclass advanced small Animal Laparoscopy

Advanced laparoscopic surgery in dogs with training on models, anatomic pieces
Dog’s cadavers and anesthetized pigs

Past course

August 29 -
August 31, 2023
- Poland

Masterclass Advanced Neurosurgery 1

Approaches to the brain
Surgical environment pertaining to intra-cranial surgery

Past course

November 14 -
November 17, 2023
- Romania

Masterclass Small Animal Laparoscopy (Newcomers and refresher’s level)

Entering the world of laparoscopy for experienced surgeons

Past course

February 23 -
February 25, 2024
- Poland

Advanced ENT and maxillofacial surgery

Advanced ear surgery with endoscopic support
Facial reconstruction
Oral tumors and more

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